Monday, August 24, 2009


To paraphrase Cheese Monger Steve Jenkins from the Splendid Table:

Good cheese is not expensive. It's cheaper than wine. Heck, it's cheaper than craft beer. Sure it might be $16-20 a pound but one does not eat a pound of good cheese. One eats an ounce or two at a time which translates to $1 - 1.25 per serving. For stuff this good that a cheese artisan ( and I do mean artisan) crafts over a period of months to years craft cheese is one of life's great bargains.

To put it really simply:

I like cheese. The good stuff. The really good stuff. The cheese that is sold in the cheese section not in the dairy section. Cheese sold by the ounce not by the pound. Artisan crafted cheese not the stuff that all too often faintly resembles glue. I could give up the bulk cheeses but you would have to pry the craft cheese from my cold, dead hands.

This past week-end we ate two wonderful cheeses at our cabin with our friends Craig and Yvonne. My wife plated a delicious five year Gouda. This was not a soft Gouda. It was hard with crystallization taking place within it. Wonderfully complex I let it linger in my mouth for as long as possible. The other was a cave-aged Gruyere that was softer but still firm. beth served them with Figs and olives from Kowalski's olive bar.

It was delightful. And we still have some of both cheeses left. I look forward to enjoying them again tonight.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


I am no expert but I know what I like and what I like is the pho at Ngon.
Today was one of those days. i was dragging. Not enough sleep. An early morning (7:30am) trip to the doctor so my wife could get a steroid treatment. Then back to work after too few hours.
I was dragging. I just wanted
And I got it and got it good. It was a hot broth injection of love and energy. I immediately perked up. The day became doable. More than doable-- downright enjoyable. Hours later I am still going strong.
So get yourself some pho and get going.
Ngon-- University and Avon in St Paul's Midway. Tell them Paul from the Muddy Pig sent you (it won't get you anything except a quizzical stare).